
Feb. 04/2023

*^TaTtoO FaQs*°

WhErE tO sTaRT

Working on a drawing for you is like trying to work magic. The real kind of magic. Because I am feeling my way into your life and I hope that, by the end of the process, I am creating exactly that kind of friend that you were missing in your life. A new companion. Forever with you. A forever friend.

When you reach out to me because you would like a tattoo, I will ask you to tell me what you would like to tell me about you. About what you have in mind, placement and size of the tattoo you desire.

HoW to Go On*

I will also ask you to send me reference pictures from tattoos that I did, that you like. So I can see in what direction we are heading.

I will then need at least two weeks to work on your drawing. I am sending the first drafts via email, one week ahead of the appointment. We then have time to work on the drawing.

Heads up; if we don't manage to get the perfect drawing for you and you decide not to get the tattoo, I will have to charge 180 Euros, for my time and work.

FaIr WaRniNG

I only have two or three tattoo windows a year. So when you reach out, it can happen that you might need to wait a while for an appointment.

ThE ApPoIntMeNt

The appointment itself will take place in my studio. It's not a filthy backyard studio, so don't be afraid. Everything is nice and clean and I offer tea and way too many words (because I am always a bit nervous with people. There is one thing that relaxes me though: DOGS!). During the tattooing process I might shut up because I am focusing on making you something nice.

I will also try and play nice music, so you can relax.

Oh, and if you do not live close enough to get tattooed by me, you can still have your own drawing and let someone else do the tattooing, of course.