
Nov. 02/2015

On Inspiration and Things


Actually i wanted to write a post about Hänsel.Gretel.Finsterwald. It is the puppet theatre show i was working on in the last month and also the thing that kept me so busy that i abandoned my Blog for such a long time.

But now i am back and i feel the need to write a post but i can’t seem to find the right words for Hänsel. Gretel. Finsterwald. It was an intense time, especially when it got closer to the Premiere. But that much said, it was worth all the work and the director is such a brilliant and tough girl. It came out perfect and i am happy. I will definitly write more about it very soon but today i want to share pictures of works and people i admire since i was a child (well, some of them. Some of them were too spooky then, others didn’t have any work out yet)

So, here goes for heros and inspiration.. (black and white theme)

Firstly, two wonderful pictures of Jim Henson. I mean, Jim Henson.. Fraggle Rock, Dark Crytal, Labyrinth, The Muppets.. He simply was THE man!

Does it

I will go with a chronological order here.. In that case, here comes a picture of one of my favourite movies.

All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… (You will have to guess the movie from the picture and the quote)

And i have to add here, that Rutger Hauer is my Spirit Animal. I still have to make myself a shirt stating it. (If you are interested in one, leave a comment. I will definitly start a “Rutger Hauer is my Spirit Animal” Collection soon!)

come from

Next, two pictures of the Brothers Quay. Well, not of the brothers (they look creepy as hell) but of their work. I have to add someone here, Jan Svankmajer, who also was an inspiration for the Brothers Quay and for me as well. One of the best exhibitions i have ever seen was “Metamorphosis: Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers”! I still haven’t figured out yet how to add a video here, but HERE is a link to a site with a text about the exhibition and a video and pictures…

?? (from him)

Last but by far not least.. Spike Jonze.. ALL of his movies are favourite movies to me. This Picture is from “Where the wild things are”. I loved that he had the puppets built (over at the Jim Henson Creature Shop. It all makes sense now, right?) and not using too much CGI. And i could go on forever because this now brings me to Maurice Sendak who was so anti tech that it was totally necessary to work with real puppets then. Since i think that i won’t come back to all the topics i always promise to, i will add a link HERE that brings you to a wonderful video. An illustrated interview with Maurice Sendak, the last before he passed away, illustrated by Christoph Niemann. It is so touching, you should have a look!

I talk a lot more about inspiration and stuff in an interview i gave for a wonderful Blog. You can read it HERE!

That was it for now. Ending with the words of Maurice Sendak:

Live your life.. live your life.. live your life….