Dear imaginary friends and gang members (yes! some of you ARE real and are out there somewhere, wearing their gang patches loud and proud)
I created this gang to have a community, for me and for everyone else who isn’t necessarily outgoing and social but still enjoys to have the feeling to belong somewhere. Like my favorite quote says:
I never knew I was creating a world which was an antithesis to the world around me which was full of sorrows, full of wars, full of difficulties. I was creating the world I wanted, and into this world, once it is created, you invited others and then you attract those who have affinities and this becomes a universe. –Anais Nin, The Diary of Anais Nin
And in this world we can fight a gang war against reality. Not like we don’t care about the world. We have to care, we have to look closer than others do. But we also need to survive, and if you are a person who looks closer into things, you might also be a person who cares too much sometimes. I think it’s important to escape that feeling once in a while and connect with imaginary friends all around the world.