
Jan. 31/2019

Beethoven is the answer to the question

Hello world!!

And hello new wordpress dashboard! Everything looks different since the last time i’ve been here.

So, since i get the question a lot where one can see my work live. Here is the answer for now. If you mean me in action, performing and making a total fool of myself. Please don’t hesitate to visit Nesterval. Until the end of february i will perform with them in their two shows “Das Festbankett” and “Das Dorf”. This is the trailer for “Das Dorf”, wait for it and you will see me.

Or hello Mum

If you want to see my puppets in action then you can go and see the new show “Beethoven” at Schuberttheater in Vienna. It premieres end of February and i made some really dark puppets for it. (It’s a sad story after all) and there will be live music (Beethoven of course). And here is a picture of one puppet, travelling to theater

Hello imaginary friends

Alright, that’s it for now. It took me almost one hour to write this post, which is ridiculous but it’s all about focus. While writing this i

  • made myself tea
  • wrote several whatsapp messages
  • opened tabs and closed them again because i forgot that i only wanted to copy the link
  • forgot about the teabags in the tea
  • drank it anway
  • decided i need to work on focus more